Travel Destinations

Tours and Group Travel

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Thoroughly thought Liability Waiver is a must for tour providers. Limit risks of being sued by your guest and describe the activity in details and acknowledge about possible danger.


  • Bus Tour
  • Cruise
  • Segway ToursĀ 

More info

  • Vacation Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Walking Tours


Different group tours are an integral part of Travel industry. Tours could be directed by a guide or be self-guided and visitors often come to local attractions sites by using local tour agencies.

Locally based small companies take tourists sightseeing, with routes throughout popular tourist attractions. Sometimes this activity can be conducted by means of a shuttle bus, segway, bike, scooter, trolley, ferry or boat.


Tips for Tour providers

  • Include possible food poisoning during the tour
  • Include any third-party tour operators involved in a tour


Tour guides

Group tour organizersĀ 

Organized meetupsĀ 

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